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Whitney Sylvain


Updated: Dec 13, 2020

It seems like self care has become a buzzword on social media used by those asking for tips and those dishing out their own self care regimens. Everyone wants to know how to pay better attention to themselves right now and it feels like this is one of the first times we’re not feeling guilty about it. The term self care may be overused, but it certainly isn’t under valued. Self compassion is one of the biggest things we need right now. Once you combine the nation's political stress, the fear of COVID-19 and the lack of hugs being given and received, there’s so many reasons to be overwhelmed. I especially have been leaning into my self care routine, and it’s been taking the ease off tremendously. Here’s the self care tips that are literally carrying me right now.

SKINCARE - My skincare routine has been a top priority since the pandemic started. It’s one of the little pleasures I’ve been tapping into more often. I’ve been doing more facials, masks, and steaming my face lately and I love it! When I take the time out to intentionally give more attention to my skin rather than making it a repetitive part of my before bed routine, it’s more of an experience, rather than a habitual process.

COMPARTMENTALIZING - This is a skill I can admit hasn’t been truly effective for me in the past, but I’m actively trying to be more cognizant of how I let different parts of my life flow into others. It’s as simple as taking critiques & feedback from work and realizing that it can’t be applied to my personal life because they’re two different experiences. Or choosing to separate my relationship with money to the conversations I have with others’ and their relationship with money. Does that make sense? Everything doesn't need to seep into each other, and my mental health is better off if they don’t.

EATING - I’m embarrassed...but not really. Eating has always been a coping mechanism for me and I fully believe in it. Going to a nice dinner and ordering a pasta dish and a glass of wine is self care. I’m always in better spirits after a good comfort meal.

WATCHING TV - I always loved going to the movie theatre and Broadway. Since that’s no longer an option right now, I find myself craving some form of visual entertainment. Also, the act of snuggling while watching some of my favorite shows is very comforting. I often look forward to it. Also, I’ve been watching a lot of new shows and not texting or scrolling in between scenes! So, I’m proud of myself.

AUDIO BOOKS - Reading puts me to sleep, but I love a good audio book! I’ve been tapping into audiobooks while working or just doing simple tasks. I’m also a major multitasker, so audio books really help with that. I believe that there’s always something to be learned from others, and books are the perfect place to explore.

DO NOT DISTURB - I’d be lying if I said turning off social media was one of my self care tips. My social intake is UP. But I do make sure to keep my phone on do not disturb so incoming calls and texts don’t interrupt me whenever I’m finally in the groove of being productive. I also turn off all notifications from social media apps. It’s hard to see a notification pop up on your phone and not want to investigate it immediately. And then when you do you’re on social media for 40 min just scrolling...yeah, we don’t want that. Turn the notifications off.

SAYING NO - Saying no to literally anyone running up my patience or simply bringing stressful energy into my space. Saying no includes unfollowing certain social media accounts or choosing not to answer phone calls. If it's a family member calling, I typically send a text to make sure everything’s fine and then call back when I’m ready to talk.

DRINKING WATER - I try to aim for a couple of glasses of water a day. It’s a way of taking care of my body without actually having to do anything. My skincare benefits tremendously when I drink water too.

TAKING BATHS - And of course I love a good candle lit bath! With hot water and a glass of wine to my right. I also found a CBD bath bomb and I’m super excited to try it!! I’ll have to let y’all know the tea on this one when it arrives in the mail.

CREATIVE EXPRESSION - I love finding ways to express myself creatively. Rather I’m painting, sketching, dancing or even color coordinating my closet, it benefits me to focus on something that requires me to use my hands, mind, and body in a creative way.

YOGA - Doing yoga first thing in the morning is a whole vibe!! I love yoga in general, but yoga right before I have to start working is a great way to wake up my body and set intentions for my day.

PRACTICING GRATITUDE - There’s so many reasons to be grateful right now. Having a roof and good health are blessings and it’s easy to lose sight of that. Remaining grateful during a time when so many people aren’t doing so well is a great way to put things in perspective.

THINKING ABOUT MY FUTURE SELF - Prioritizing for yourself right now is important, but caring for your future self is even more crucial. There’s so much free time, so why not heal or learn something new? Rather you’re saving more, learning about stocks, or even how to make a new cocktail, you’re benefiting your future self.

ORGANIZING - Tidying up has always been a priority for me, but right now it’s crucial. Having a clean and zen space to stay in is mandatory for me I'm always more overwhelmed when my space is messy. Your physical space directly impacts our thought process. And for me, a clean space helps me to think clearer.

LISTENING TO OTHER WOMEN - Whew, this one is major. In the past few months I’ve learned so much about life, relationships, food, style, literally everything and the most valuable advice I’ve received has come from other women. You don’t know everything, and as I mentioned before, there’s always something more to learn my advice is to listen to women.

DANCING - Que the party playlist because I need a release. Dancing is honestly one of my favorite past times. It's a good way to kick up your adrenaline and put your mind elsewhere. I typically pretend I'm doing a duet with Beyoncé or something.

GETTING DRESSED - I'm cute with out all the bells a ns whistles, but babyyy when I put this makeup on and slip on a cute outfit, I feel so much better about myself. Rather I'm getting dressed for work or for a dinner out with friends, I enjoy looking into the mirror and seeing a more "dolled up" me staring back. I also love taking a good selfie.

I took a self care staycation awhile back and it was so needed. Check out the highlights in the reel I made on my stay cation.

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